Fungus Gnats FAQ
What are they and where do they come from?
As the name implies, they are gnats (tiny flying insects) that feed on the fungus in all types of organic indoor/outdoor soil. They LOVE moist/wet soil.
Are they dangerous to me or my plants?
The short answer is NO, they will not harm you or your plants. They are more of a nuisance.
How do I get rid of them?
There are 3 steps to control the population of fungus gnats:
Make their home uninhabitable by allowing the soil the dry out between watering. Yes, some plants don’t like to dry out, but the plants usually come back after you water them thoroughly.
Kill the eggs and larvae by using mosquito bits (a granular microbial insecticide) when watering. Either spread the mosquito bits on the top of soil and water them in OR soak some mosquito bits in a jug of water, and use that to water your plants. Note: The bits will need to be thrown away and replaced periodically (approximately once a month).
Kill the adults using sticky traps, apple cider vinegar traps, and/or insect sprays.
Once you have broken the lifecycle of the fungus gnats, their numbers should significantly drop in a few weeks.
Good luck!
Last Updated: 3/19/2021